Sa fii mama e (probabil) cel mai greu lucru din lume

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Sa fii mama e cea mai frumoasa meserie de pe pamant. Insa pe langa asta, cred ca nu exagerez daca spun ca e si cel mai greu lucru din lume.

Cand stai si te gandesti cate faci de dimineata pana seara si de cate persoane ar fi nevoie ca sa te inlocuiasca, parca nici tie nu-ti vine sa crezi ca e posibil.

Iata doar cateva dintre motivele pentru care majoritatea mamelor pot afirma cu tarie ca nimeni nu poate face ce fac ele.

Grijile si responsabilitatile nu se sfarsesc niciodata

Poate v-a trecut pe la urechi detaliul ca suntem in vacanta. Exact, majoritatea oamenilor au fost in concediu, adica s-au odihnit, s-au distrat, s-au vazut cu prietenii sau poate au vazut cateva filme. Din punctul meu de vedere luna decembrie nu s-a deosebit cu nimic de luna… sa zicem octombrie. Nu am simtit ca e vacanta, am avut acelasi program adica am gatit, am facut curat, am facut teme, am ingrijit copii bolnavi, mi-am facut griji pentru toata familia, am platit facturi si am muncit in diminetile mai libere. Cu alte cuvinte am avut program normal.

Nu exista zile libere

Inainte sa am copii eram dedicata 100% jobului. Mi se intampla sa vin acasa doar ca sa dorm si ca sa ma schimb insa chiar si asa, cand simteam ca nu mai pot, cand voiam sa odihnesc sau sa las ritmul putin mai incet, imi luam o zi sau doua libere si imi incarcam bateriile. De cand sunt mama aceste zile libere nu exista. Din pacate nu pot sa pun totul pe “hold” sa-mi vad o vreme de viata mea iar apoi sa o iau de la capat cand si cum am eu chef.

Sa fii mama inseamna sa faci mai multe lucruri in acelasi timp.

Altfel nu se poate. Din clipa in care vii acasa de la spital cu bebelusul tau, nu mai e cale de intoarcere si nu mai poti sa te concentrezi pe un singur lucru o data. N-ai cum! Chiar si cele mai banale activitati se suprapun cu altele mai mult sau putin importante si daca intr-un anumit moment ai de rezolvat mai putin de 3 situatii te poti considera intr-un moment de respiro asa ca bucura-te! 🙂

 Intrebarile si rugamintile nu se opresc niciodata

Vi s-a intamplat vreodata sa le spuneti celor mici sa taca 5 minute doar ca sa incercati sa va auziti din nou gandurile? Mie mi s-a intamplat, prima data au fost atat de uimite incat chiar au tacut pentru o clipa, nu destul insa incat sa-mi aud gandurile cum zboara prin cap. Dupa aceea insa au revenit la activitatile lor preferate, sa ma intrebe chestii sau sa ma puna sa fac diverse lucruri. “Mami, mi-e foame”, “Mami, vino sa ma stergi (la fund 🙂 )”, “Mami, ce inseamna independente?”,”Mami, nu-mi gasesc o soseta”… Cred ca stiti la ce ma refer. Uneori, daca nu pot sa le fac sa taca, le spun sa pastreze distanta regulamentara de 1 metru in jurul meu. Pentru ca au tendinta asta de a se inghesui in mine si de a-mi ocupa tot spatiul personal, le spun sa-si imagineze ca am o dunga galbena in jurul meu (cum e la ghiseu la banca 🙂 ) si ca nu au voie sa o depaseasca. Atat le trebuie, binenteles ca cea mai mare distractie a lor e sa calce din ce in ce mai mult pe linia galbena, pana ajung din nou la mine in brate 🙂 .

Mamele nu dorm niciodata

Teoretic asa e. Primii aproximativ 5 ani de mamicie sunt intr-un fel de ceata din care nu-mi aduc aminte foarte multe, din cauza oboselii acumulate la momentul respectiv. Imi aduc aminte ca ma duceam la baie si voiam sa imi pun putin capul pe cada sa inchid ochii 2 minute. Insa cada era rece asa ca puneam sulul de hartie igienica sa-mi rezem capul pe el si cand ieseam aveam un ditamai cercul imprimat pe frunte. Mult timp toata familia s-a intrebat ce e cu cercul acela misterios de pe fruntea mea insa nu le-am spus nici pana in ziua de azi 🙂 . Vestea buna este insa ca dupa varsta de 5-6 ani, cand cei mici devin din ce in ce mai independenti, veti putea sa-i lasati singuri iar voi veti putea merge sa va culcati. Eu si in prezent, la ora 9 ma bag in pat, cine vrea sa vina cu mine bine, cine nu, treaba lui. Fiecare e pe cont propriu.

Dupa toate cele de mai sus, nu e de mirare ne simtit depasite de situatie, obosite si epuizate. Concluzia e ca neavand cum sa ne luam liber, continuam sa indeplinim toate joburile aferente responsabilitatilor de mama. Insa cea mai mare bucurie a noastra, este sa vedem sclipirea de fericire din ochii celor mici. Pentru asta ne sacrificam linistea si timpul liber si in general ne punem pe locul doi in lista de prioritati.

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Being a mother is (probably) the hardest thing in the whole world

 Being a mother is the most beautiful job on earth. But, even so, I don’t think it would be exaggerating to say that it is also the most difficult thing in the world.

If you think about all the things you do from the moment you wake up in the morning and until you go to bed at night and how many people it would take to replace you, it seems quite difficult even for you to believe that such effort would be possible.

Here are some of the reasons why most mothers can firmly state that no one can do all the things they do on a daily basis.

Worries and responsibilities never end

Perhaps you’ve somehow heard that we are on vacation. As far as I am concerned, I never felt I was on vacation since I basically had the same daily routine which is cooking, doing the cleaning up, helping my children with their homework, taking care of sick children, worrying about the whole family, paying bills and working from home in the mornings in which I had some spare time on my hands. In other words, I never changed my daily schedule.

No days off

Before having children, I was 100% committed to my job. When I wanted to have some rest or to slow things down a notch, I used to take one or two days off from work and recharge my batteries. After I became a mother, I can no longer afford to do such thing. Unfortunately, I cannot put everything on “hold” and take care of my personal life for a while and then carry on when and how I feel like it.

Being a mother means doing several things at once

You can’t have it any other way. From the moment you come home from the hospital with your baby, there’s no turning back and you can no longer focus on one thing at a time. There’s no way! 

Questions and demands never stop

Did you ever ask your children to shut up for at least five minutes just to try to hear your thoughts again? I did it. The first time, they were so amazed that they even kept quiet for a moment, but not quite enough so that I can hear my thoughts running around in my head. Then, they just went back to their favourite activities, started asking me all sorts of questions or to do various things. “Mommy, I’m hungry,” “Mommy, come wipe me (my (butt :))”, “Mommy, what does independent mean?” “Mommy, I can’t find my sock”… I think you know what I’m talking about.

Mothers never sleep

In theory, it is true. I was so caught in the haze of motherhood during the first five years that I can’t remember most of it, and the main reason for this is that I was really burnt out at that time. The good news is that after the age of 5-6 years, when children become increasingly independent, you can leave them all by themselves and go take a nap.

Considering all the above, it’s no wonder we feel overwhelmed, tired and exhausted. And since we can’t have a few days off from this job, we have to carry on fulfilling all the duties that arise from motherhood. However, in the end, the greatest joy we take from this full-time job is to see the sparkle of happiness in the eyes of our children. This is why we choose to give up our peace and time and, generally, put ourselves in second place on our list of priorities.

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