10 Things to do before your second baby is born

10 Things to do before your second baby is born:

  1.  Arrange Babysitting for Your Older Child
  2. Wash Things That Have Been in Storage for a Long Time
  3. Pack a Bag for Your First Child
  4. Write Down Anything Else Helpful For Your Sitter
  5. Get Your First Baby Sleeping Through The Night
  6. Take a Cozy Nap With Baby Number One
  7. Shop for a “You’re a Big Bro/ Big Sis Gift” 
  8. Bust Out the Old Photos
  9. Encourage Independence 
  10. Go And See A Newborn 

10 Things to do before your second baby is born:

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10 Things to do before your second baby is born:


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10 Things to do before your second baby is born:

10 Things to do before your second baby is born:

10 Things to do before your second baby is born:


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