Ce sa faci daca te pierzi?

For English scroll down.

Ai zice ca in 2016 este imposibil sa se mai piarda copii, insa din pacate nu e chiar asa. Shit happens, cum spune poetul, asa ca e bine sa ii pregatim pe cei mici sa stie ce au de facut in caz ca se trezesc singuri intr-un loc necunoscut.


  • Cel mai important este sa ii invatam de mici cateva informatii importante: numele lor, numele parintilor, adresa si un numar de telefon. Stiu ca pare mult insa daca pot sa retina o poezie pentru Mos Craciun atunci inseamna ca pot invata si un nr. de telefon. Incepand cu 2 ani repetati cu ei aceste informatii.
  • Stiti etichetele acelea de pe haine unde noi credeam ca trebuie sa trecem numele copilului ca sa nu isi incurce lucrurile cu alti copii, la gradi? Ei bine, acolo trebuie trecut numarul de telefon unde puteti fi gasiti in caz de urgenta. Daca nu aveti o eticheta de genul, atunci nu va sfiiti sa scrieti cu carioca direct pe haina. Si invatati-l pe cel mic sa arate aceasta informatie pretioasa adultului caruia ii va cere ajutorul.
  • Un alt lucru important este sa nu intre in panica. Spuneti-le ca in general oamenii din jurul nostru sunt de treaba si cu siguranta vor ajuta un copil care s-a pierdut de parintii lui. Eventual puteti sa faceti si cateva demonstratii rugand persoane necunoscute sa va ajute sa ajungeti la o adresa sau sa va spuna ce autobuz ar trebui sa luati pentru a ajunge undeva.
  • Regula cea mai importanta este sa ramana pe loc (daca sunt in siguranta. Daca nu, sa mearga in cel mai apropiat loc unde nu sunt expusi pericolelor. De ex. pe trotuar). Pentru a depasi panica ce ii va coplesi cand vor realiza ce se intampla, le putem sugera sa stea drepti si increzatori precum un copac. Sa respire adanc si sa ne caute cu privirea in multime.
  • Daca se trezesc singuri intr-o multime de oameni necunoscuti e important ca cei mici sa ne strige. Tare si clar, pe numele complet. Eu le-am explicat fetelor ca toti copiii isi striga mamele “Mami” asa ca nu va fi nicio diferenta daca si ele vor striga la fel . Indicatia a fost sa strige Ana Mitrus (sau Cristi Mitrus) ca sa putem sa le localizam imediat.
  • Cine pleaca se intoarce asa ca e important ca cei mici sa ramana pe loc. Ma refer la situatiile in care de exemplu va urcati in metrou si cumva ei raman pe peron. Sa stea acolo nemiscati pentru ca voi veti cobora la prima statie si va veti intoarce la ei.
  • Daca situatia este invers, ei se urca in metrou iar voi nu reusiti aceeasi performanta, sa coboare la prima statie si sa astepte linistiti pentru ca veti aparea si voi cu urmatorul metrou.
  • Daca nu stiu ce sa faca, cel mai indicat este sa se uite dupa o femeie cu un copil si sa-i ceara ajutorul (si aici e nevoie de putin exercitiu pentru ca nu orice femeie e de incredere la fel cum nu toti barbatii sunt periculosi. Insa ma bazez ca stiti cum sa-i invatati sa citeasca oamenii).
  • Indiferent cui ii cer ajutorul, este important ca cei mici sa insiste sa ramana pe loc. In aceeasi cladire, pe aceeasti strada, in acelasi magazin. Cine vrea sa-l ajute, nu trebuie sa-l oblige sa paraseasca locatia. Iar aici intervine urmatoarea regula:
  • Sa nu plece nicaieri cu necunoscuti. Oricine vrea sa ajute, poate da un simplu telefon, la numarul comunicat de copil sau in cel mai rau caz, la politie. Si de aici am impus o alta regula:
  • Daca cineva ii obliga sa mearga undeva, sa strige cat de tare pot. Indiferent unde sunt, la metrou, in magazin sau in biserica, sa strige. In general suntem inconjurati de oameni buni si normali la cap, asa ca teoretic, pericolele nu sunt foarte mari.

Stiu ca pare o situatie de cosmar, de care ar fi ideal sa putem fi scutiti atat noi, dar mai ales copiii nostri, insa e vital ca cei mici sa fie pregatiti. Chiar daca ii supravegheati non stop, chiar daca ii tineti legati de voi, nu va hazardati. Cei mici vor creste, vor incepe sa plece fara voi din ce in ce mai des si din ce in ce mai departe, asa ca e important sa stie ce au de facut. E una dintre multele lectii teoretice care isi poate arata beneficiile practice atunci cand ne asteptam mai putin.

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 What to do in case your children get lost?

You’d think that in 2016 it is impossible for children to get lost, but unfortunately this is not so true. Shit happens, so it would be better to have the children prepared and make sure that they know what to do in case they end up alone in an unknown place.

  • The most important is to teach children some essential information from an early age: therefore, they need to know their name, their parents’ name, their address and a phone number. I know it seems a lot but if they can learn by heart a poem for Santa, it means that they can also remember a phone number. Start repeating with them this kind of information from the age of two.
  • Do you remember those labels on the back of the clothes where we thought we should put down the name of our child to make sure that his/her stuff does not get tangled up with the ones of other children, at kindergarten? Well, this is where you have to write down a phone number where you can be reached in case of emergency. If your child’s clothes do not have such labels, do not be afraid to write it down directly on the clothes using a marker pen. And teach your child to show this precious piece of information to the adult that he/she is going to reach for help.
  • Another important thing is to teach your children not to panic. Tell them that in general the people around us are nice and that they will most definitely help a child who’s lost from his parents. You can even show them how it’s done by asking strangers to help you reach a certain address or to tell you what bus you should take to get somewhere.
  • The most important rule is to remain in one place (if they are safe; if not, they should go to the nearest place where they are not put at risk, like, for example, on the sidewalk). In order to help them overcome the panic that is going to overwhelm them when they will realize what is happening, we could teach them to sit straight and confident like a tree, to breathe deeply and to look out for us in the crowd.
  • If our children are lost in a crowd of unknown people it is important for them to know that they have to call us. Loud and clear, using our name and/or surname. I told my girls that all children call their mothers “Mommy” so if they shout the same thing it will not make any difference. I told them to shout Ana Mitrus (or Cristi Mitrus) so we can locate them immediately.
  • It is important for children to know that even if their parents leave, they will always return to the same place, especially if their children are there. I am mainly referring to the situations in which, for example, you get on the subway and somehow they are left on the platform. It is important for them to know that they have to stay where they were because if something like this happens, you will get off the subway at the first stop and you will come back for them in no time.
  • If the situation is reversed, meaning that they are able to get on the subway and you are left on the platform, they have to get off at the first stop and wait quietly for you because you will be in the next train.
  • If they don’t know what to do, teach them that the best thing they can do is to look after a woman with a child and to ask her for help (this takes a little practice as well because not every woman is trustworthy just as not all men are dangerous. But I’m counting on you knowing to teach them how to read people).
  • Regardless of whom they will ask for help, it is important that your children insist to remain on the spot, in the same building, on the same street, in the same store. The person who wants to help them will not try to force them to go someplace else. And this is where the next rule comes up:
  • They should never leave with strangers. If someone wants to help them, they can just call the phone number provided by the child or, in the worst case scenario, the police. And this has allowed us to identify another rule:
  • If someone is trying to force them to go somewhere else, they should shout as loud as they can. No matter where they are, in the subway, in the store or in church, they must shout. We are generally surrounded by good and normal people, so theoretically, there are not so many dangers.

I know it looks like a nightmare, and it would be ideally if both we and especially our children would not have to go through this, but it is crucial for children to be prepared for such situations. Even if you constantly keep an eye on them or you tie them up to you, do not take any chance. Your children will eventually grow up, they will start going out without you more frequently and further away, so it’s important for them to know what to do. This is one of the many theoretical lessons that we teach our children and which can prove to be highly effective when put into practice when we least expect it.

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3 thoughts on “Ce sa faci daca te pierzi?

  1. Te uiți bine în jur, dacă nu mă vezi, poate e un polițist, agent de paza, ori vânzător la un magazin. Spui că te ai pierdut, dar știi numărul de telefon si sa ma sune. Rețeta e testata, din nefericire.
    Dar numărul de telefon l am scris si la mare cu marker pe piele, să fiu sigura…
    Acum le pun telefonul de gat, i am învățat să caute numele străzilor, al statiilor de autobuz… dar sunt mari, discutam altfel. rețeta de mai sus e de la 4 ani.

  2. Multumim pentru acest articol. E foarte util. Il voi distribui si eu mai departe, sa ajunga la cat mai multi parinti.

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