Importanta povestilor de noapte buna

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Traim niste vremuri in care lucrurile se intampla cu viteza luminii, nu reusim sa finalizam o treaba ca imediat apare altceva la fel de urgent. Intotdeauna rezolvam ce arde, lasand la urma lucrurile mai putin importante. Din pacate de multe ori, printre “obligatiile” care pot sa astepte se numara si copiii. Timpul petrecut impreuna este din ce in ce mai putin si gasim mereu tot felul de “variante” castigatoare ca sa impacam si capra si varza.

Povestea de seara, asa cum ne-o aducem noi aminte din copilaria noastra, ia in prezent forme digitale, din ce in ce mai des televizorul este cel care ii adoarme pe cei mici in locul nostru.



As vrea sa va reamintesc ca nimic nu se compara cu statul seara in pat alaturi de copil, cu o carte in mana, cu inima deschisa si mintea prezenta. Poate ca seara ramane singurul moment de peste zi in care ne putem spune ce avem pe suflet, putem da deoparte toata supararile acumulate si ne putem pregati de un somn linistitor stiind ca totul va fi bine.

Povestile spuse la culcare sunt cea mai eficienta metoda de a afla ce s-a intamplat peste zi, de a intra in universul celor mici si de a le colora in nuante vesele asteptarile pentru ziua de maine. Pentru ca povestile nu trebuie sa se rezume neaparat la cele deja scrise si in niciun caz nu trebuie musai sa ramana la forma care le-a consacrat.

Atunci cand cel mic va cere sa-i spuneti o poveste, deja il puteti implica in procesul creator intrebandu-l cu cine ar vrea sa fie povestea. Apoi, despre ce anume? Ce i-ar placea sa stie despre personajul principal? E o poveste vesela, una trista, una cu lupte sau una cu final neasteptat?

Copiii se bucura in mod special atunci cand le spunem povesti din copilaria noastra. Indiferent daca pastram intamplarile reale sau mai “crosetam” pe baza lor, cei mici pot invata lucruri importante in tot acest timp special, care pare putin dar odata cu trecerea anilor ne dam seama cat de mult a contat.

Acest obicei al povestii de seara ii ajuta sa isi dezvolte imaginatia si creativitatea si in acelasi timp ii invata ce inseamna rabdarea si ascultarea. Daca povestea se intinde prea mult o putem structura in mai multe episoade spuse pe parcursul mai multor seri, ceea ce ii ajuta sa isi dezvolte memoria, mai ales daca ii rugam sa ne aduca ei aminte unde am ramas si ce s-a intamplat in episoadele anterioare.

Povestile cu subiecte special alese ii pot ajuta pe cei mici sa depaseasca anumite momente din viata si ii invata cum sa reactioneze in situatii dificile. Pe parcusul povestirii ii puteti intreba ce cred ca a facut personajul pentru a rezolva problema? Sau cum ar reactiona ei intr-o situatie similara?

Toate aceste activitati stau la baza dezvoltarii increderii si personalitatii copiilor, pentru ca in timp ei vor invata cum sa se descurce singuri si isi vor capata astfel autonomia.

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The importance of bedtime stories

We live in an age where things happen at the speed of light, as we barely manage to complete a job that something equally urgent immediately comes up. We always take care of the most urgent matters first before anything less important. Unfortunately, our children are sometimes put on hold because of this. The time we spend with them is getting shorter and we always have to find all sorts of “alternatives” so that we can have it both ways.

The bedtime story, as we recall it from our childhood, is gradually replaced by modern gadgets and digital devices, and children are increasingly put to bed by watching TV instead of being taken to bed by their parents.

I would like to remind you that nothing in the world can be compared to the quality time spent with your children in the evening, in bed, gladly holding a book in your hands and doing everything with a clear heart and head. And this is perhaps due to the fact that the evening still is the only time of the day when we can talk about the loads on our minds, when we can set aside all our sorrows, and when we can prepare for a soothing sleep knowing that everything is going to be just fine.

Reading a bedtime story to your children every night helps them develop their imagination and creativity and also teaches them to be patient and obedient. If the story is too long we can break it down into several episodes, and read some of it every night, which is equally good for the children because it helps them develop their memory, especially if we ask them to help us pick up the story where we left off and to remember what happened in the previous episodes.

All these activities underlie the development of children’s trust and personality, because in time these will help them learn how to fend for themselves and they will thus gain their own autonomy.

With a small push from their parents, the children will be able to make use of their creativity and curiosity and you will be surprised of how inventive they can be.

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