Best Pregnancy Apps of the Year

Pregnancy is an amazing time. Really, there’s something new to learn every day! To help you on your journey, we looked high and low for apps designed to make the most of these next nine (OK, really 10) months. From baby name finders and informative articles to contraction trackers and tips, these apps have it all.

My Pregnancy & Baby Today | Daily Tracker

This app has all the features you’d expect in a pregnancy app, including access to community forums, videos, and calendars designed to help you through your pregnancy. What makes this app different, however, is the Baby’s First Year feature, which is will help you after your little bundle of joy has arrived. The convenient tool provides you with a daily calendar to help you through your child’s first year, along with useful articles, videos, and activity suggestions.

BabyBump Pregnancy Pro
This award winner is one of the most comprehensive pregnancy apps out there. It provides daily and weekly details about your growing baby, a due date countdown, weight and belly measurement trackers, pregnancy forums, and a baby names guide. All these useful features and more are packaged in a slick and intuitive design. It’s no surprise this app is so popular.

I’m Expecting

This app offers weekly pregnancy videos and daily updates in a simple but robust format. It’s designed to share what’s happening to your growing baby and your body. Other features include tips for relieving pregnancy symptoms like nausea, fatigue, leg cramps, and cravings. Read articles and advice from industry experts. You can set reminders and notifications and create a baby bump photo diary, too. You’ll also have access to pregnancy communities for support and motivation in this app.

My Baby’s Beat

This is the world’s first prenatal listener app. It was launched in 2011 and lets users record and share the sounds of their baby’s heartbeat in utero. No accessories are required — just use your iPhone’s microphone to hear your baby’s heartbeat. For best results, this app should be used after week 30.

Pregnancy Due Date Calculator

Just plug in the first day of your last menstrual cycle and this lightweight app will quickly calculate your baby’s due date, the likely date of conception, how far along you are, and when you’ll hit the end of your first trimester.


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